Uncover the physical world and its phenomena.
Within the Department of Natural Sciences, we offer majors biochemistry, biology, chemistry, and environmental stewardship. We also offer minors in biology, chemistry, environmental science, and environmental stewardship.
Our student-focused research facility has dedicated labs and equipment for you to have full access to all the laboratory technology, growing your experience starting day one. Because your classes and labs are intentionally small, you’ll receive individual attention from faculty members—not a teaching assistant. This leads to connections lasting beyond your college years.
You’ll begin research your junior year and select a research project based on your unique interests. This helps you learn how to read and analyze scientific data, write proposals, make a scientific presentation and then become the lead author of your own paper that is published in the college’s science journal, Cantaurus. Your research experience will make you a competitive candidate for graduate and doctoral programs.
Health Professions Scholarship
Each year McPherson College will select 3 incoming students to receive a full-tuition scholarship and 9 additional students to receive a $5,000 scholarship on top of their Merit Award. Health Professions Scholars will commit to participating in the development of signature outreach programs with McPherson Hospital and the community and will be guaranteed one internship per year.
with Pre-Med, PA and Vet tracks
Environmental Stewardship
Featured Natural Sciences Student Story

Additional Programs
Natural Science Minors
Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Environmental Stewardship
Teaching Licensures
Biology, Chemistry
Pre-Professional Programs
Pursue a program which will prepare you for specialized training or advanced study beyond a bachelor’s degree. Area include Medicine, Osteopathy, Dentistry, Optometry, Podiatry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy/Physician Assistant, Veterinary Medicine.
Experiences & Outcomes
Student Research
Senior research is the capstone experience for all of our science-related majors and published in the ‘Cantaurus’ – the scientific journal of McPherson College.
Student ResearchPre-Health Professions Club
The PHP club is a group of like-minded students who are planning to enter graduate school after McPherson College and pursue a career in a health profession.
Pre-Health Professions Club
Virtual Tour
Melhorn Science Hall
Take a 360° virtual tour of the lecture halls and labs in Melhorn Science Hall - home to the Natural Sciences program at McPherson College.
360 Tour & Photo Gallery
Faculty & Staff
Jonathan Frye Ph.D.
- Professor of Natural Science
- “I believe that the best way to learn something is by doing it yourself. We ensure, therefore, that every student learns science by experiencing it firsthand in their laboratory and field-based coursework, and as they design and conduct their own undergraduate student research project.”